
Quick Thoughts on 2024 Results and 2025 Practice Values

My mantra for 2025 is to say more with fewer words. Wish me luck! See how I do on our first 2025 Webinar, January 16th: Recap of 2024 and Forecast for 2025, or email me for a copy. Q4 2024: $3.8 billion IDSO third recapitalization in seven years, up from $330 million...

Death, Taxes, & Dental Practices: The Power of Diversification

This article first appeared in the November 2024 issue of Dental Economics Magazine The October 15 tax bill is paid, which means the tax agony is over—for now, anyway. It is time to think about making money instead of giving it to our bloated bureaucracy. The...

Largest IDSO Recapitalization Ever and Post Election Comments

The Largest Invisible Dental Support Organization (IDSO) in the country completed their third recapitalization immediately after the U.S. election. Over 700 partner doctors were able to harvest profits from their retained equity ownership at long-term capital gains tax rates.

First Half of 2024 Results: Fact vs. Fiction

Contrary to popular belief, practice values in IDSO (invisible dental support organization) partnerships continued to achieve new records in the first half of 2024 for larger, growing Large Practice Sales (LPS) clients nationally. Fortunately, new investors in IDSOs are not just private equity.

5 billion dollars, do you have invisible DSOs in your town?

5 billion dollars, do you have invisible DSOs in your town?

In short, you sure do. The question is—are they people you need to meet? Join Chip Fichtner and get the stone cold truth on what's working, what isn't, who actually gets 10x EBITDA, who doesn't, why, and what to do about it. With five billion in injected money since...

LPS Closed $153+ Million of IDSO Partnerships in July

LPS completed over $153,000,000 (one hundred and fifty-three million dollars) of IDSO partnerships for GPs and specialists in July with seven different IDSOs in seven states. More importantly, over $50 million of these IDSO partnerships were valued at over 10x EBITDA.

Racing Techniques Create Higher Practice Values

When LPS has a larger client in a region that will command a dozen or more eager bidders at very high values, other LPS clients in the area can often get a significant value increase.

The Haves and the Have Nots For Practice Values

LPS client values in some cases set new records in the first half of 2024, but not all. How did LPS get 10x EBITDA for one GP practice but only 7.5x for another? Or what about the pedo/ortho practice that achieved 11x EBITDA, but another practice in a better geography...

The New Ortho Practice Value Reality of April 2024

Orthodontic practices have achieved exceptional values in LPS client IDSO bidding processes for over seven years. In 2023, LPS client values exceeded 4X COLLECTIONS for several ortho practices and over 12.2x EBITDA for a nine-office client. In the last 24 months, LPS...

The LPS Secret Sauce, Part 1: Our Advisory Board

You don’t get to be the biggest advisor achieving the highest values for your dental practice clients without a unique strategy. One of LPS advantages is our “insider information” not just in dental, but across the general economy and geopolitical landscape; all which...

Endo Upended; Do You Really Know What is Happening in Your Area?

Endodontic specialists to some degree live on referral island. Isolated from the vicissitudes of new patient marketing now required by general dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons and periodontists to achieve double digit growth rates, endodontists blissfully rely...

New IDSO Partnership Opportunities for Periodontists in 2024

Contrary to popular belief, dental practice values in the U.S. are still setting new records in 2024. Yes, interest rates have impacted some Invisible Dental Support Organizations (IDSO) but just in Q1 2024, over $3.3 BILLION of new capital/credit was invested in...

Top 12 Points About Practice Values in 2024 in IDSO Partnerships

Record Values Growing practices are setting new record values. If you are a younger doctor with one or more partners or associates and have collections in 2024 above 2023, values are still high. Record Number of IDSO Bidders Many IDSOs have stopped new partnerships...

Timing and Earn Outs; Get Paid for Your FUTURE Performance

Since the onset of Covid, four years ago, every one of the IDSO partnerships created for LPS clients ($1.0+ billion in the last 24 months) has included an Earn Out component. Doctors get paid for their incremental growth in EBITDA or collections in the two years AFTER...