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Jul 2024

Small Practice:  Transition
Big Practice: IDSO Partnership for Higher Value

*** Please note this Webinar is for Dentists Only ***

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Join us for a 58-minute webinar in which LPS Co-Founder, Chip Fichtner discusses why LPS has completed over $1.0 billion in partnerships for dentists with Invisible Dental Support Organizations (IDSO) in the last 24 months. Learn why over $150 million of those partnerships were for doctors in their 30s. Values in IDSO partnership can exceed 200% and 300% of practice collections, whereas a typical doctor to doctor transition might achieve only 80% of collections.


An IDSO partnership is NOT a short-term exit, but rather a long-term wealth building strategy.

 In this fast-paced webinar, doctors will learn:

  • Why some practice values are achieving new records.
  • Which IDSO partners doctors should consider and not consider.
  • The practice attributes required to achieve the highest values.
  • The benefits of IDSO partnership for doctors of all ages.
  • How IDSOs pay 25% less for supplies than independent dentists.

IDSOs have received over $5.0 billion in new financing and capital just in the first five months of 2024 from sophisticated global investors.  Learn why values may be peaking, even while dental practice consolidation is accelerating. You will either join an IDSO or compete with many in the very near future!


Jun 2024

IDSO Partnerships:  What’s Changed in 2024?

*** Please note this Webinar is for Dentists Only ***

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Hundreds of Invisible Dental Support Organizations (IDSO) of all types are contacting doctors directly urging you to become their partner. Some will succeed spectacularly and keep their promises and others will fail. Doctors should understand their many options in an IDSO silent partnership. Interest rates are impacting some of the IDSOs and many have stopped their acquisition and partnership process.

However, multiple IDSOs received over $5.0 BILLION dollars in new financing and capital in the first FIVE months of 2024. Many LPS clients have received a record number of qualified bidders and in many cases set new record values in the last 90 days. Fortunately, there is no shortage of IDSOs eager for larger, growing practices of all types; GP and specialty. LPS has completed over $1.0 BILLION dollars of IDSO partnerships in the last 24 months. (More than the next five advisors combined).

Join us for a 59-minute interactive online seminar to learn:
• Which IDSOs are making promises they cannot keep?
• Why some of the best IDSOs are completing recapitalizations this summer.
• The types of practices LPS gets 10+X EBITDA for today.
• How and why some IDSOs will succeed no matter what the interest rate levels.
• You may not be considering an IDSO partner, but you should understand how they impact your practice today and what the future looks like as an independent practice. It never hurts to learn!
• An IDSOs 30% Lower costs, higher reimbursement rates have become very attractive to younger doctors. Over $150 million of our last $1.0 billion in IDSO partnerships were for doctors in their 30’s!


Jun 2024

IDSO Partnership, Not a Sale

A Wealth Building Strategy for Doctors of All Ages

*** Please note this Webinar is for Dentists Only ***

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Thousands of invisible dental support organizations (IDSOs) in all 50 states are eager to partner with growing dentists of all specialties. Larger practices are achieving record values today and gaining silent, resourceful partners. Doctors can achieve far higher values, both short and long-term, in an IDSO partnership vs. a doctor-to-doctor sale or remaining independent.

IDSOs become a doctor’s silent partner by buying 51% to 90% of a practice for cash up-front. Doctors remain as owners with their brand, team, and strategy with full autonomy for years or decades. Practices benefit from lower costs, higher reimbursement rates and reduced administrative burdens, creating more family time. IDSO partners help doctors grow their practices bigger, faster, and more profitably.

Topics we will cover include:

  • Learn why thousands of doctors, including many under 40 have joined IDSOs.
  • Understand how IDSOs can create generational wealth for their doctor partners.
  • Learn the real financial upside of IDSO partnerships.
  • Learn if the promised autonomy with an IDSO partnership is true.


Apr 2024

Practice Value Trends Update for Q1 2024

*** Please note this Webinar is for Dentists Only ***

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The first quarter of 2024 started with a bang. LPS completed over $100 million of IDSO partnerships, most at new record values. Over $3.0 billion of new financing and capital was invested in multiple existing and new GP and specialty IDSOs. With the world’s largest investor, Blackrock ($10.0 TRILLION under management) doubling down with their second IDSO investment in less than 14 months, more sophisticated, global investors are eagerly pouring capital into U.S. IDSOs. It is not just private equity investing as the little advisors and doctors seem to think. Interest rates have added more IDSOs to the LPS Blacklist ( the 500+ IDSOs we will not let bid on our clients), but new capital is enabling high values high for growing practices nationally.

Join us for a special fast paced 57-minute webinar

 Topics we will cover include:

  • How many bidders it took to hit 11x EBITDA for a Pedo/Ortho practice
  • The smallish GP who had a 6x offer in hand but ended up at 8.5x thanks to LPS
  • The miracle OMS practice deal at 11x EBITDA with a Dental Trifecta
  • The hottest states in Q1 2024 were NOT FL, TX, AZ, TN, SC, ID or UT
  • Biggest deal of the quarter was $55.0 million, but Q2 will have at least one larger


Apr 2024

Dental Trifecta IDSOs are The High Bidders for Growing Ortho Practices

*** Please note this Webinar is for Dentists Only ***

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Join us for a special fast paced 58-minute webinar

 Topics we will cover include:

  • Why an LPS ortho client got 12x+ EBITDA in 2023
  • How 3x collections is achieved regularly in ortho by LPS
  • Ortho practice attributes that generate the most qualified bidders
  • Which Ortho Only IDSOs may not make it in their current form
  • Learn why in the last 24 months, over $150 million dollars of LPS clients were under 40.


Mar 2024

Dental Specialists Have Multiple IDSO Partner Options Not Available to GPs

*** Please note this Webinar is for Dentists Only ***

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All dental specialists have uniquely different options from GP practices in IDSO partnerships. Specialists will typically achieve higher values and have more qualified bidders from which to choose their ideal IDSO silent partner. In the last seven years, dozens of single and multispecialty IDSOs have been formed by sophisticated, experienced investors. Many have already had high value recapitalizations.

In this fast paced, 62-minute webinar we will discuss the various options available for all specialists at record values in 2024. In 2023, LPS achieved values of over 10x EBITDA for every type of specialty practice except Endodontics, where we got close! In our $1.0 billion of completed IDSO partnerships in 2022 and 2023, most specialty clients had six or more qualified bidders.

  • OMS: Learn which of the 17 OMS only IDSOs will probably fail and why Dental Trifectas may be a better option.
  • Ortho: Some of the 14 ortho only IDSOs are having challenges due to case start drops, others are flourishing.
  • Pedo: Even those with a heavy Medicaid component have new options due to the world’s largest investor joining the IDSO frenzy.
  • Perio: Implant focused practices have multiple new options and the multispecialty IDSOs are the most eager.
  • Endo: The Surgical Trifecta IDSOs are still eager for many geographies and value practices higher than Endo Only IDSOs.
  • Prosth: Doctor age and multiple doctors drive up value. Implant: All on X financing sources and marketing tools are critical to success today. IDSOs have mastered both.



Mar 2024

Learn Why Thousands of Larger Dental Practices Joined Invisible Dental Support Organizations in 2023

*** Please note this Webinar is for Dentists Only ***

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Join us for a special fast paced 59-minute webinar

 Topics we will cover include:

  • Why an IDSO may or may not be a fit for you
  • What is driving doctors as young as 30 to partner with an IDSO today
  • The risks and rewards of IDSO partnership
  • When is the right time to consider IDSO partnership 
  • What happens when a competitor or a referral source joins an IDSO?

The business of dentistry is changing rapidly. You owe it to yourself to at least understand what is coming to your area or already there now. If you have a larger practice, the old doctor buy in/buy out model is not your most valuable path. You will ultimately join an IDSO or compete with many.


Jan 2024

Practice Value Recap for 2023 (New Records) and Forecast for 2024

*** Please note this Webinar is for Dentists Only ***

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As the dust settles on 2023, I have to say I am surprised that LPS set new record value levels from coast to coast for GPs and specialists of all types. (14.6x EBITDA in one case!). Newly capitalized IDSOs eagerly bid against each other for great practices, unaffected by interest rates. Several 2022 IDSO bidders exited the new partner hunt in 2023 and may or may not be back in 2024.
IDSOs are becoming increasingly selective in their practice partners and practice size and doctor age matter more than ever. Practice growth in 2023 vs. 2022 was critical. Several successful recapitalizations occurred for quality IDSOs and I expect more in Q1 2024. Doctors are continuing to see above market returns on the equity they retain in an IDSO partnership when they choose the right partner.
Join us for a 61-minute webinar on January 16th! Topics we will cover include:
Actual transaction values for all practice types
What were the most valuable/least valuable practice types
The HOT and NOT so HOT geographies in 2023
A value creation trick that worked in 2023 and not in 2019
The future of Earn Outs in IDSO Partnerships
Payer reimbursement rates for IDSOs vs. Independent Doctors
Why some IDSOs completed recapitalizations and why some never will
The new recruiting tool IDSOs are using that you cannot



Oct 2023

Dental Trifecta:  The Best IDSO Option for Pedo, Ortho & OMS?


Sept 2023

DSOs & IDSOs; The Good, The Bad and the Ugly


August 2023

10 Key Things to Know Before Selling Your Practice to a DSO/IDSO


August 2023

Learn Why Thousands of Specialists are Partnering with IDSOs in 2023


July 2023

The Impact of Age on Practice Values! IDSO Partnership or Remain Independent?


June 2023

New Money Driving Up Dental Practice Values


June 2023

Pedo Practice Values Up, Learn How and Why in this Webinar


May 2023

Orthodontists, Partner with an IDSO or Remain Independent?


May 2023

Bank Crisis, Inflation and Interest Rates NOT YET Impacting Record Values in IDSO Partnerships


April 2023

OMS Practice Value Update; 18 Bidders, 11.5x EBITDA


Mar 2023

Why Thousands of Doctors Partnered with IDSOs in 2022


Dec 2022

2022 Practice Value Review and 2023 Forecast


Nov 2022

Practice Consolidation is Coming to Your Area; Your Risk or Reward?


Oct 2022

Great Orthodontists Have 10+ Choices in Partners


Sept 2022

Specialist IDSO Partners vs. Multi-specialty IDSO Partners; Which is Right for You?


August 2022

Chip’s IDSO Industry Presentation to the Georgia Dental Association, Board of Trustees, at their Annual Meeting


June 2022

Frequently Asked Questions Conference Call


June 2022

Most Practice Values Have Increased in 2022. Learn Why it May be Temporary


Apr 2022

The Formula for Achieving the Highest Values; Why and How LPS Achieves Values of Over 4.0x Collections for Multiple Clients.


Jan 2022

2021 Practice Value Recap & 2022 Forecast


Dec 2021

Now 13 Ortho Only IDSOs Nationally; Multi-Specialty and Dental Trifecta IDSOs May Pay More


Dec 2021

Why Choose an IDSO Silent Partner Now, Not Later? Understand Why Waiting for Growth is a Mistake Today


Nov 2021

Why Private Equity and Billionaires Love Dental Consolidation.


Nov 2021

How Does IDSO Create Values of 3x to 10x of Retained Equity for their Doctor Partners?


Oct 2021

Top 10 Gotchas in “Do It Yourself” IDSO Transactions


Oct 2021

Discover the Value of Part of Your Practice to a Silent Partner


Sep 2021

Own Your Practice Real Estate? Urgent Update


Aug 2021

The Explosion of Specialty IDSOs; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


Aug 2021

Dental Trifecta; Pedos, Orthos, & OMS Have Many Choices in Silent Partners

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