

Practice Partnership Podcast Ep 10: How Dental Specialists Achieve the Highest Values with IDSO Partnerships

Unlock the full potential of your dental practice and say goodbye to the administrative grind! This episode is a treasure trove for dental specialists such as oral surgeons, periodontists, and endodontists (Dental Surgical Trifecta), revealing how teaming up with invisible DSOs can not only result in an enticing cash payout but also free up time to concentrate on patient care and personal well-being.

10 Things to Know Before Selling Your Practice to a DSO or IDSO

If you have a larger dental practice and have been contacted by one or more DSOs/IDSOs interested in buying your practice or partnering with you, then join Chip Fichtner, Co-Founder & Principal at Large Practice Sales (LPS), to learn how to maximize initial values, leverage multiple bidders, navigate tax implications, and more!

Financial Flossing Ep103:  Unlock the Value of Dental Practice Transactions

Financial Flossing Ep103: Unlock the Value of Dental Practice Transactions

In this episode of the Financial Flossing Podcast, host Ross Brannon sits down with Chip Fichtner, Principal of Large Practice Sales (LPS), to delve into the world of dental practice transactions. Chip has an impressive track record of completing $612 million in transactions in 2022 with 31 Invisible Dental Support Organizations (IDSOs) across 29 states. He shares his expertise in maximizing value in the dynamic dental industry.

The Dentalpreneur 1658: SELLING TO INVISIBLE DSOS

The Dentalpreneur 1658: SELLING TO INVISIBLE DSOS

On today’s episode, Chip Fichtner from Large Practice Sales joins us in this 2-part episode. Chip and Dr. Mark Costes talk everything DSO’s and taking chips off the table. LPS are dental specialists and focus on Invisible Dental Support Organizations (IDSO)...

Brews and Tiny Teeth: Inside the World of Selling to a DSO

Brews and Tiny Teeth: Inside the World of Selling to a DSO

Chip Fichtner is the founder of Large Practice Sales (LPS), a firm that specializes in partnering with large dental practices as they look to sell to DSOs. You may recognize him from the flyers and newsletters that his company mails out to private practices. Chip...