Practice Partnership

Practice Partnership

The podcast to help you monetize your dental practice

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Practice Partnership

Practice Partnership the podcast to help you monetize your dental practice

Apple PodcastsAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsSpotifyOvercastCastroCastBoxRSSYouTube

Doctors – are you interested in building long-term wealth and continuing on as an owner while retaining full autonomy in your dental practice? Join host and Large Practice Sales (LPS) Co-founder and Principal Chip Fichtner on this monthly podcast as he shares invaluable advice and expertise about the world of Invisible Dental Support Organization (IDSO) partnerships. Follow this podcast for more tips you won’t find anywhere else on how to monetize your dental practice at the maximum value. 

Practice Partnership Podcast Ep 10: How Dental Specialists Achieve the Highest Values with IDSO Partnerships

Unlock the full potential of your dental practice and say goodbye to the administrative grind! This episode is a treasure trove for dental specialists such as oral surgeons, periodontists, and endodontists (Dental Surgical Trifecta), revealing how teaming up with invisible DSOs can not only result in an enticing cash payout but also free up time to concentrate on patient care and personal well-being.