Embarking on a partnership with a Dental Service Organization (DSO) can be a daunting decision for dentists, fraught with uncertainties about autonomy, practice dynamics, and professional perception. Will patients and peers view the move as “selling out”?
The LPS Blog
Top 10 Dental Practice Attributes for Highest Values
Practice values in an IDSO partnership vary based upon a number of factors. Timing cannot be stressed enough. With more than 1000 IDSOs and DSOs searching for dental practices to partner with our purchase, values will change significantly depending upon who wants...
The Big Picture for IDSO Partnership; 2023 Results & 2024 Forecast
In 2023 many LPS clients including GP and all specialties achieved record value IDSO partnerships after considering a record number of qualified bidders. Our record for the year was a $43 million partnership at 14+x EBITDA. A miracle not to be repeated in 2024, I am...
Dental Practice Consolidation: The Risks, Rewards, and Trends
Over the past three decades, thousands of doctors have sold their practices to a dental support organization (DSO) or quietly partnered with invisible DSOs (IDSOs). American Dental Association reports issued in 2023 indicate more dentists are affiliating with DSOs....
Increase the Value of Your Practice Real Estate With an IDSO Partner
When doctors own their practice real estate and partner with an invisible dental support organization (IDSO), the value of their real estate can increase substantially. Dental practices have large investments in tenant improvements which historically decrease the risk...
Practice Value Update for 2023 and Impact of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) on Dental Practices
Invisible Dental Support Organization (IDSO) partnerships with dental practices of all types continued to accelerate during 2023. Many LPS clients achieved new, record high values. A large influx of new IDSO bidders empowered by billions of dollars of fresh global,...
Q4 2023 Dental Practice Value Update; Plenty of Bidders, Values Stable, But…
While several formerly active IDSOs have stopped or reduced their activities in seeking new partners, they have been replaced by multiple new and recapitalized legacy IDSOs with literally billions do invest. Multiple IDSOs with capital and capacity (debt & equity) are eagerly bidding for LPS clients at record values.
Dramatic IDSO Changes in Q4; High Interest Rates Can be GOOD and BAD!
LPS has completed IDSO partnerships for our clients with almost 40 different IDSOs in 30 states in the last couple of years. Values this quarter will continue to hit records, but certain legacy IDSO bidders have stepped on the brakes to practice criteria and values....
Why Doctors Choose IDSO Partnership vs. Remaining Independent in 2023
Ultimately, if LPS is unable to find the ideal IDSO partner for our doctor clients at an exceptional value, doctors are never obligated to do anything at all. They can learn about all of their options, confirm our estimated value and fully understand if an IDSO...
Understanding and Improving Dental Practice EBITDA
In the ever-evolving landscape of dental practice sales and Invisible Dental Support Organization (IDSO) partnerships, a fundamental factor reigns supreme: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA). However, the art of calculating dental...
Our Latest Media Appearances
5 billion dollars, do you have invisible DSOs in your town?
In short, you sure do. The question is—are they people you need to meet? Join Chip Fichtner and get the stone cold truth on what's working, what isn't, who actually gets 10x EBITDA, who doesn't, why, and what to do about it. With five billion in injected money since...
Ep 1663 Chip Fichtner on Invisible DSO Partnerships : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran
Chip is the Co-Founder of Large Practice Sales (LPS), the largest transaction advisor to GP and specialty dental practices in the U.S. LPS has completed over $1.0 billion of IDSO partnerships in the last 24 months. The unique LPS bidding process ensures doctors consider all of their options in an IDSO partnership and achieve the highest values from the right IDSO partner.
Very Dental Extra: Getting Multiple Bidders for Your Practice
Alan is joined again by Chip Fichtner of Large Practice Sales to dive a little deeper into Invisible DSOs. Chip starts with a story of a large practice owner who almost “took the first offer” who was leaving money on the table.
Think Oral Health: Invisible DSO Partnerships and Organic Growth with Chip Fichtner
In this episode, Chip Fichtner, co-founder of Large Practice Sales, joins to unpack the concept of “Invisible DSOs” and their transformative impact on the dental industry. He delves into how these partnerships go beyond financial gains, being customized to align with the culture and values of individual practices, significantly boosting both economic value and patient care.
The Dentist Money Show: Understanding the Basics of Invisible DSO Partnerships
As the dental industry evolves, Invisible DSOs are becoming pivotal in influencing the future. Operating behind the scenes, “invisibility” denotes their unique blend of support and autonomy, making them an attractive option to many dentists. On this episode of the...
Decoding Invisible DSOs for Dental Practices
In this episode of The Art of Dental Finance and Management, Art is joined by Chip Fichtner, co-founder and principal of Large Practice Sales. Chip sheds light on the difference between a traditional Dental Support Organization (DSO) and an Invisible DSO (IDSO), the...