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In the first episode of the new year, Chip recaps the results of practice values and transactions in 2023 and forecasts what 2024 has in store for IDSO partnerships. In short, 2023 achieved record values for GPs and all specialties across the country. Any great growing practice today has unique opportunities in Invisible DSO partnerships this year!

This episode dovetails with a 61-minute webinar Chip is hosting on January 16th (at three evening times) that’ll dive deeper into the topics covered today. Head to and click on the Webinars/Events tab for more information and to sign up. This is your chance to learn how invisible DSO partnerships can drive a lucrative future for you and your thriving practice.

Other topics for today (and the upcoming webinar) include:

  • The key criteria IDSOs will consider this year when selecting their practice partners
  • The future of COVID earn-outs
  • Payer reimbursement rates for IDSOs vs. independent doctors
  • Why some IDSOs complete recapitalizations while some never will
  • The hot geographies in 2023, and the impacts of being considered a “rural” practice
  • The new recruiting tool that can virtually eliminate employee turnover

Large Practice Sales is the largest advisor to GPs and specialists of all kinds seeking to monetize all or part of their practice. If you’re interested in learning the potential value of your practice in an IDSO partnership, visit our website or you can email us at

Chip Fichtner