Record Number of IDSO Partnerships Created by LPS in 2022, But Why?
Invisible Dental Support Organizations (IDSO) become a doctor’s silent partner by purchasing 51% to 90% of a practice for cash up front. Doctors continue to lead their practices as owners for years or decades and benefit from the resources of a larger, silent partner to grow bigger, faster, more profitably and with fewer headaches.
Hundreds of IDSOs in all 50 states are eagerly contacting doctors directly. Smart doctors will have six or more qualified bidders to choose from when using LPS as their advisor.
- Thousands of doctors quietly partnered with IDSOs in 2022, a new record
- Over $600,000,000 of transactions closed for LPS Clients; 29 states, 31 IDSOs
- Values for LPS clients: From 7x EBITDA to 12.2x EBITDA, some over 500% of collections
- $802,000,000 of New LPS Clients Signed in 36 states
- Over $100 million of LPS IDSO partnerships for doctors in their 30’s
- LPS Grows to 31 Team Members
- Dozens of new IDSOs formed, many in specialty, all 50 states
- Dental Trifecta IDSO Recapitalizes at New Record Multiple
- OMS Only IDSO Recapitalizes at Record Multiple for OMS
- Single Specialty IDSOs creatively converting to Dental Trifecta or Surgical Trifecta
- Now Six Implant Focused IDSOs seeking practices with 30%+ implant collections
- The first Sovereign Wealth Fund invests in IDSOs (Abu Dhabi with $800 Billion AUM)
- World largest Asset Manager Invests in IDSOs ($10 Trillion AUM)
A few of the of stated reasons LPS clients chose to join an IDSO in 2022:
- More Partner Options: An LPS client in 2023 will have six or more IDSO bidders from which to choose their best partner, some will have 10+
- Autonomy: Doctors are learning that IDSOs will NOT dictate patient care, scheduling, team hiring/firing, products used, payors accepted, etc. You Do NOT lose your freedom.
- Fear of Missing Out: The first doctor in a community usually gets the highest value
- Record Practice Values: New capital has driven up practice values, for now
- Liquidity/Diversification: Cash is king in troubled economic times
- Low LT Gains Tax Rates: 20% Max. Federal
- Upside in Ownership: Multiple IDSO recapitalization events in 2022 proved that dentist’s equity in IDSOs is more valuable than 100% ownership of a single practice.
- Reimbursement Rates: Many IDSO partner practices are reimbursed at higher rates
- Recruiting: IDSOs recruit team members faster and better than independent practices
- Marketing: IDSO partner practices generate more new patients than independents
- Costs: Size matters in purchasing supplies, implants, clear aligners, benefits, equipment
- Timing: If interest rates continue to increase, practice values could decline; however, at the moment, new IDSO bidders are driving up values
- New Choices: Some of the new IDSOs will have the highest equity upside potential (10x+)
- Resources for Growth: IDSOs have capital and growth tools that independents cannot match
- Reduced Headaches: IDSO partners handle banking, payroll, tax, benefits administration, compliance, credentialing, IT support and vendor/payor negotiations.
- Synergies Within the IDSO Family: Grow from captive referral networks, paid to send you new patients via common equity ownership.
- New, Creative Structure Options: Doctors can retain ownership at the practice level, the IDSO level or a combination of both.
- Only Exit Option: For larger practices, associates can no longer be your exit strategy if you want to achieve market value for your practice.
What is YOUR Why?
The decision to monetize a PART of your life’s work with an IDSO partner starts with understanding your practice value today. Values have changed in the last 120 days. If we have analyzed your numbers previously, we should update them. If we have NOT yet provided you with the value of your practice, now is the time. Schedule a call with me and we will both learn something new, GUARANTEED!
- Practice Partnership Podcast Ep 19: The Process LPS Uses to Achieve Maximum Value with the Best Partners for Our Clients (with Maxwell Sellers) - March 5, 2025
- Practice Partnership Podcast Ep 18: Actual Practice Values in 2024 and 2025 Value Forecast - February 26, 2025
- The Biggest Risk to Practice Values in 2025 - February 25, 2025